Wednesdays: 10 a.m. Discipleship Support Study Group
Sundays: 3 adult Sunday School classes - 9:45 am
Faith Builders - (On a break right now) Young Adult - topical study & conversation
Saints or Sinners Class - Learning, loving and laughing through a variety of discussion centered studies, friendship and service. Format is media assisted lecture and class discussion.
Serendipity Class - Informal discussion oriented class that uses prepared materials for studies organized around books of the Bible or topics such as Stewardship, Parables, etc. Members are invited to lead studies.
Coffee Fellowship Hour
USCA Basketball Outtings
Game Days
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Night at the Greenjackets
Annual Church Potluck Supper (December)
October Pet Blessing
Advent & Lent Wednesday Suppers
First Nighters - Playhouse plays and musicals - Balcony group
Pickleball Teams
Other Special events planned by Church Life
Older Adult Ministries - provides commitment to the Gospel by promoting fellowship, learning and serving opportunities for mature members (>55)
WELCA (Women of the ELCA) - provides a variety of opportunities to participate in service projects, Bible study, teaching, learning, prayer, companionship and fellowship
Stephen Ministry - a ministry to equip lay people to provide quality Christian care to others who may be experiencing many forms of life's circumstances
Prayer Ministry - Prayer Chain and Prayer Shawl Ministries
Sewing Group - Meets twice a week to work on various projects including some quilting.