NOTE: To see how your gifts might match up with other opportunities make sure to print out the Time & Talent form on the Give Tab
See below and click here for just a glimpse at what we do in the area of Social Concern.
Gives a chance for organizations St. Paul supports to come and share how that support and their organization makes an impact on our community.
Board Chair, Kendal Buchanan 8-27-2023
Exec. Director Judy Floyd spoke July 7-16-2023 Click the link for the video
Shepeard Community Blood Center
ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving
Family Promise of Aiken
Children's Place of Aiken, Inc.
Here are just some of the ways we make an impact in our community.
For more information about any of these ministries click the hyperlinks or contact the church office at 803-649-4021.
AA/AlaNon - Meets Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the church.
ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) - ACTS provides temporary emergency relief and senior food bag groceries on the third Saturday of every month.
Adopt A Highway - partnering with Aiken County Highway Dept to keep our roads clean. Tentatively the next date is Saturday, February, 22nd 2025 at 8:45am meet in the St. Paul parking lot. Call coordinator Patrick Pratt for details at 803-522-9355.
Aiken Rotary Reader program - reading mentor for students to share the joy of reading and to enhance reading skills.
Alzheimer's Walk - October of each year. Call St. Paul Team Captain, Bob Sparks at 614-875-9211 for details.
Angel Tree - Christmas gifts for local low income children.
Buddy Walk (Down Syndrome Awareness). Contact Jenny Hall (803-646-4043) for more information. You may also click here for more information.
Camp Gravett - Episcopal summer camp and conference center
Child Advocacy Center - Aiken's comprehensive program for the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse cases.
Children's Place - Therapeutic childcare program which promotes educational competency and offers behavioral and rehabilitative therapy.
Christ Central - Serves the poor and disadvantaged in our community by providing basic needs and teaching and training needed to find and keep jobs.
Cumbee Center - Safe shelter for abused women and children.
Disaster Relief Trips - Rebuilding assistance for locations that have experienced natural disasters.
Family Promise - John Lohman SP Contact Person
First Tee of Aiken - Youth development program which teaches life skills and leadership through the game of golf.
Golden Harvest - provides food resources throughout Georgia and South Carolina to help our neighbors in need overcome hunger and lead happy, healthy lives.
Habitat for Humanity - A non-profit Christian housing ministry.
Haiti, Village of Hope, Lazarus Project and Medical Clinic, Sponsorship of Children - visit the website www.villageof for more information.
Helping Hands - A safe place that abused, abandoned and neglected children from any part of South Carolina can call home and know their needs will be met.
Kairos Prison Ministry - Support ministry for McCormick Correctional Institution inmates.
LATCH (Lutherans Acting To Correct Housing) - Reroofing and house repair assistance.
LATCH completed roofing Habitat House #138 (LATCH’s 192nd roof) Friday January 31, 2025 and Saturday February 1, 2025 with the help of Habitat’s Friday team and Habitat’s Women’s Build team. We had 22 people roofing Friday and 6 people roofing Saturday.
Lizzie Abshire, Brooks Aitchison, PJ Albro, Charles Allen (homeowner), Bill Dennis, Robin Dennis, Dawn Emerson, Dick Frushour, Bill Hart, Carolyn Heffner, Jim Heffner, Rick Huston, Jake Jacobs, Tim Learnard, Jim Lee, Dave McGuire, Wally Oliver, Dave Sanders, Graham Sillito, Jim Skinner, Susan Spell, and Roger Ward not only worked Habitat 138’s roof Friday but completed its roof that day! This was an exceptionally long day for a Habitat roof with volunteers putting in over 9 hours on average that day. The next day PJ Albro, Bill Dennis, Jim Heffner, Rick Huston, Jake Jacobs, and Tim Learnard roofed the shed.
A special thanks to Jim and Mary Bunch for providing the food on Friday; Habitat’s Tom Brown, Robert Girardeau, Donna Godbee, and Ron Patterson for setting the roof up and coordinating and supervising the roofing effort; Judy Sennett for coordinating with Women’s Build volunteers; and last, but certainly not least, Steve Phillips and Marley Bruns for providing the transportation and long term storage facilities that enable LATCH to continue its roofing ministry.
Rick Huston, LATCH Coordinator
Call or email Rick Huston, LATCH Coordinator to receive regular updates and learn about the next project.; 803-221-1035 (cell-calls or messages); 803-648-6550 (home w/answering machine)
Life Choice Pregnancy Care Center - provides medical and support services for women.
Little Free Library - fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world.
Medication Assistance Program - Provides medication assistance for low income households.
Megiddo Dream Station - Putting people to work through our tuition-free job training programs
Military Care and Support - Prayer ministry and phone cards for service men and women.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group—Meets the third Saturday of every month at St. Paul.
Prayer Ministries - Telephone prayer chain.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - knit/crochet group.
Sewing and Quilting Ministry - quilting group.
Salvation Army - Christmas season bell ringers & feeding ministries.
Shepeard Blood Center - Donate blood every two months at St. Paul.
Souper Bowl of Caring - Annual youth sponsored soup drive for food ministries in Aiken.
Trinity on Laurens - Local senior housing and assisted living facility.
United Way - Collects school supplies for local students each July.