If you are a visitor, we pray this site will be helpful to you as you contemplate the possibility that God might have led you here for a reason.  Only you can say, but we believe that things do not happen by accident.  With the help and hope of the Holy Spirit, we believe that God leads our faith journeys to cross paths so that we might find the hope, healing, and help we need for the journey.

If you are a member, we pray you will find the information on this site helpful to your development as a disciple of Jesus.  It is our sincere hope that you understand how incredibly important it is that you find and/or take an active part (i.e. engage) in helping this faith community ground itself in Jesus' call to be and make disciples.

Worship Services

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP  8:30 (Blended), 9:45 (Contemporary), and 11 (Traditional)  


Coffee Fellowship follows the 8:30 Service and Our Faith Formation Hour (i.e. Sunday School) includes Adult Classes at 10 am.

Youth Classes are on break for the Summer and will resume after Labor Day.


Congregational Unity Sunday

St. Paul will celebrate a Congregational Unity Sunday at 10 am on September 1, 2024 with one combined Sunday worship  service. This combined service will give us all the opportunity to experience elements of all three worship services, worship with those we might not otherwise see, and get to know others by attending the church picnic immediately after worship (it's summer!, the picnic will be held in the fellowship hall). Mark your calendars now for September 1 at 10:00 am. 

Opportunities to Serve

Grow in Faith

Caring Ministry

Give of your time and talents


Check out the drop down tabs at the top of this page for much more information on our ministries
