

  • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. Study Group
  • Sundays: 3 adult Sunday School classes - 9:45 am
    • Faith Builders - (On a break right now) Young Adult - topical study & conversation
    • Saints or Sinners Class - Learning, loving and laughing through a variety of discussion centered studies, friendship and service. Format is media assisted lecture and class discussion.
    • Serendipity Class - Informal discussion oriented class that uses prepared materials for studies organized around books of the Bible or topics such as Stewardship, Parables, etc. Members are invited to lead studies.


  • Coffee Fellowship Hour
  • USCA Basketball Outtings
  • Night at the Greenjackets
  • Annual Church Potluck Supper (December)
  • October Pet Blessing
  • Advent & Lent Wednesday dinners
  • Special events


  • Older Adult Ministries - provides commitment to the Gospel by promoting fellowship, learning and serving opportunities for mature members (>55)
  • WELCA (Women of the ELCA) - provides a variety of opportunities to participate in service projects, Bible study, teaching, learning, prayer, companionship and fellowship
  • Stephen Ministry - a ministry to equip lay people to provide quality Christian care to others who may be experiencing many forms of life's circumstances
  • Prayer Ministry - Prayer Chain and Prayer Shawl Ministries
  • Sewing Group - Meets twice a week to work on various projects including some quilting.
