If you would like to receive more information on any of these on-site ministries, please send your contact information to officeadmin@stpaullc.net and a representative of the group will contact you. 
Faith Formation Adults and Youth!

We offer a full range of experiences year round! Our teams teach using Holy Scripture and work with the youth - using crafts, games and more. Classes range from pre-K through high school as well as 3 current adult classes. All are welcome!

S.O.S. (Saints or Sinners Class)

Saints or Sinners Class - Learning, loving and laughing through a variety of discussion centered studies, friendship and service. Format is media assisted lecture and class discussion. Meets each Sunday morning beginning at 10:00 am. 

We are currently involved in a new study called “Vanishing Grace, Whatever Happened to the Good News?” based on a book and video by Philip Yancey. 

You have 2 options - you can join us in the SOS room or join on Zoom. For the link to Zoom, or any questions please contact Dan Lambert at dlambert@gforcecable.com or 803-646-5614.

Serendipity Sunday School Class

The Serendipity Sunday School Class is an informal, discussion-oriented Bible study class. We mostly use material published by Serendipity House. The strength of this class is the active participation of its members and our lively discussion! We meet on Sundays at 10:00 am and really enjoy our time and discussion together. Come and join us!

Faith Builders

The Faith Builders Sunday School Class is set up for those who have just graduated high school and older.   If you're interested in an informal, discussion-oriented class that is inclusive of and geared to young adults, this class may be for you.  Reach out if you're interested as we are seeking leaders. Last year a group studied different denominations of faith.  To learn when the next class meets or to convene a class, contact Stephanie Threlkeld, Chair of Christian Education, or Deacon Kathleen, rostered liaison to Christian Education.

Youth Sunday School - Fun and Fellowship with 2 classes: 

Our Elementary School Age Class uses Sparkhouse material with fun activities.

Our Middle/High School Age Class uses Re:Form, Old and New Testament.

Both groups meet at 9:45 am on Sundays - 2nd and 4th Sundays.

Confirmation Class meets once a month from September through May  (6th - 8th graders or others who are interested) - check with Pastor Jeff or Deacon Kathleen if interested!

Confirmation Class Sunday, Sept. 15th - 3 pm to 4:15 pm - Study of the Lord's Prayer
Classes continue on 10/20, 11/17, and 12/15 with Youth Group to follow.



                Questions About St. Paul, Lutheranism or Just Need Prayer?  

Come to the Table

At 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays of each week you will find one of our Rostered Ministers seated at a table with other St. Paul members at "What's Cookin" in downtown Aiken. Whether you are new to St. Paul, a long-time member or a friend from the community, you are invited to join the group for conversation and prayer. Come To The Table is an outreach ministry of St. Paul that allows newcomers and community members to share prayer requests as well as any thoughts or questions they might have about the Christian faith, St. Paul or Lutheranism. It is a great opportunity for our ministry staff to share time with parishioners, their family and friends, as well as community members, and new attendees. Consider dropping in some time to enjoy conversation and a cup of  coffee. Or why not be on the lookout for someone you would like to get to know better and invite them to join you?

God On Tap

God On Tap meets from 6-8 pm. on Tuesday evenings for fellowship and lively discussion at Red Lobster Restaurant. A different topic is addressed each week. Join this group for dinner at 6 pm.

On-site Discipleship Group

Our Discipleship Support Group meets on Wednesday mornings from 10 am - 11 am with Pastor Jeff or Deacon Kathleen. We center ourselves, and have great discussion around scripture and writings from a variety of sources. Our main topic is how do we live out being disciples of Christ? Come and join us on Wednesdays in Room 203!  Look for more information on Scripture studies to sign up soon.

Check the newsletter for more happenings!
